Benefits of an internship

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Excerpt from The Alpine Sun
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From my experience, interns are given meaningful work, not just typical office work. I frequently went to events on behalf of Anderson, networking with San Diego’s business leaders and elected officials, and there were even opportunities to get my stories published in local papers. Anderson’s office exists to improve the lives of his constituents and every project that interns worked on helped fulfill that purpose. Opportunities were given to gain new professional skills and sharpen the skills I already had. I knew Anderson and his staff believed in me and wanted to see me succeed.

Many of Anderson’s staff are former interns themselves who excelled in the internship program. In 2017, I was fortunate to return to Team Anderson as a staff member, overseeing the constituent correspondence program and managing the day-to-day operations of the satellite office’s internship program. This role prepared me for my current position as Internship Coordinator for now-County Supervisor Joel Anderson.

The internship is flexible with your schedule, and you can go at your own pace to complete the required 125-hour time commitment. After completing the internship program, you will be eligible to receive a letter of recommendation from Supervisor Joel Anderson. This recommendation will open doors for you, whether you are applying for college, looking to attend graduate school, or entering the workforce. To learn more or to apply, visit