Board Letters

Supervisor Joel Anderson is committed to making County government work for you. To accomplish this, the Supervisor and his staff listen to the needs of his constituents and will introduce policies that improve the lives of East County residents. The San Diego County Board of Supervisors and staff use Board Letters to introduce policies and procedures that are then used to manage County government. Board Letters are voted on during scheduled Board meetings. 

Here is a list of Board Letters that Supervisor Anderson has authored or co-authored: 

Supporting Our Foster Care Youth

Supervisor Joel Anderson & Supervisor Jim Desmond
Letter Date
Jun 04, 2024

VOTE: 5-0 (PASS)

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors adopted a position of support for Assembly Bill 2906. This bill would require all California counties to follow the same practice used by the County of San Diego to ensure that foster youth who are entitled to survivorship benefits from the Social Security Administration receive the full amount of those financial benefits when they reach a certain age and exit the foster care system. 

Establishing an Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Transformative Technologies and Artificial Intelligence

Supervisor Joel Anderson & Chairwoman Nora Vargas
Letter Date
Jun 04, 2024

VOTE: 5-0 (PASS)

The Board approved the establishment of an ad hoc subcommittee of the Board to oversee the county's information technology and telecommunication infrastructure. This subcommittee will receive and review information from County staff and others on the currency of the County’s information technology and telecommunication systems, the County’s provision of information technology and telecommunication services, including the use of artificial intelligence (AI); and on strategies for monitoring and managing advances in transformative technologies and AI. The Committee will also provide input to the Chief Administrative Officer on current and future IT developments, ensuring that advancements in AI, information technology, and telecommunications align with the Board’s strategic objectives. 

Partnering with the City of San Diego Through a Revenue Agreement to Utilize Opioid Settlement Fuds for Overdose Prevention and Naloxone Public Messaging and Awareness

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Apr 30, 2024

VOTE: 5-0 (PASS)

The City of San Diego is partnering with the County’s public health services providing medical care, mental health services for individuals who need substance abuse treatment. Supervisor Joel Anderson suggested a collaboration with the City of San Diego to recognize opioid and fentanyl crisis within the greater San Diego area and is investing approximately 1.0 million dollars in the Opioid Settlement Fund. These initiative aims to spread awareness, prevention and treatment through multi-media overdose prevention initiatives to those who have been most affected by this public health.

Updating Authority for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Shelter, and Services Program Grant Funds

Supervisor Joel Anderson and Chairwoman Nora Vargas
Letter Date
Apr 30, 2024

VOTE: 4-1 (PASS)

The board of supervisors authorized the interim chief administrative officer to pursue grant funds for migrant sheltering after accepting a report on a long-term migrant transfer site and shelter plan. They also directed the interim chief administrative officer to request funds from the general fund Reserve until FEMA funding is secured. 

This action provides new direction for immediate implementation of the Board's vision for the transfer site and shelter. Specifically, the Interim Chief Administrative Officer (ICAO) is tasked with returning to the Board on May 21, 2024, to request funds from the General Fund Reserve and to apply for any available grant funds for migrant sheltering and services. These measures aim to swiftly realize the Board's vision and provide a humane resource for migrants passing through the San Diego region. 

Adoption of a New Population Category for San Diegans of Middle Eastern and North African Descent

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Apr 30, 2024

VOTE: 5-0 (PASS)

The letter recommends that the County allows self-identification for Middle Eastern and North African Descent (MENA) individuals in its documents and expresses support for Assembly Bill 2763. By providing this option, the County can ensure a more inclusive representation of the MENA community, address their needs, and recognize their contributions. The recommendations include directing County staff to offer MENA categories for data collection and to express support for Assembly Bill 2763.

Expanding Opportunities for Local Businesses to Participate in County Contracts

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Apr 30, 2024

VOTE: 5-0 (PASS)

The County of San Diego has been investing in local businesses by allowing and encouraging small businesses, as well as veteran-owned and disables veteran-owned enterprises, to participate in county contracts. This initiative not only encourages small business but also fosters relationships between the county and its community members, defining offers, boosting the local economy, and creating job opportunities. 

Adopt a Resolution to Waive Copy Fees for Replacement of all Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk Issued Important Documents Damaged or Destroyed from 2024 Winter Storms

Supervisor Joel Anderson, Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk Jordan Marks, and Chairwoman Nora Vargas
Letter Date
Apr 09, 2024

VOTE: 5-0 (PASS)

This Board Letter waives fees for victims of the January 2024 winter storms seeking to replace lost or damaged documents provided by the Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk (ARCC).   By waiving fees, the County can assist residents impacted by the storms in accessing personal and business-related documents necessary for them to begin the rebuilding process.

Providing County of San Diego Employees with the Opportunity to Purchase and Finance New Vehicles at Discounted Fleet Prices

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Feb 27, 2024

VOTE: 5-0 (PASS)

Supervisor Anderson’s Board Letter proposes establishing a program to assist County employees interested in purchasing financing new vehicles at discounted fleet prices. Specifically, his recommendations direct the Interim Chief Administrative Officer to conduct a comprehensive analysis, evaluate cost savings, assess employee interest, address legal considerations, and report back to the Board within 180 days. The program is also expected to benefit local car dealers by increasing vehicle sales.  

Urge President Biden to Temporarily Close the U.S.-Mexico Border in Response to U.S. Customs and Border Protection Street Releases Resuming on February

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Feb 27, 2024

VOTE: 5-0 (PASS)

Supervisor Anderson asked his colleagues to join him in urging President Biden to temporarily close the border to additional migrants to alleviate the burden that the influx of migrants has imposed on local communities, to secure additional funding and resources to allow for the processing of asylum seekers, and to prevent street releases by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The Board amended the recommendations to urge Congressional leaders to work with the Administration to pass immigration reform measures.  

Exploring the Feasibility of Childcare Services for Sheriff's Department and Public Safety Personnel

Supervisor Joel Anderson and Sheriff Kelly Martinez
Letter Date
Feb 06, 2024

VOTE: 5-0 (PASS)

This Board approved action directs County staff to investigate the potential for the County to provide childcare services for San Diego County Sheriff’s Department and other public safety personnel. Their recommendations call for an exploration of subsidized childcare services to bolster retention and attraction of both sworn and professional staff. which will benefit public safety throughout the County.

Sustainable Planning for the Future Long-Term, State and Federally Funded Migrant Transfer Site and Respite Shelter for the San Diego Region to Address Street Releases

Supervisor Joel Anderson and Chairwoman Nora Vargas
Letter Date
Feb 06, 2024

VOTE: 5-0 (PASS)

Recommendations in this Board Letter propose the development of a sustainable plan to address the ongoing humanitarian migrant crisis. Short-term measures involve maximizing existing funding streams for immediate support at migrant transfer sites operated by SBCS in partnership with local non-governmental organizations.  Long-term measures involve providing aid to asylum seekers, mitigating street releases and ensuring community safety and support.

Ending Taxpayer Funded Deportation Defense for Criminal Noncitizens

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Dec 05, 2023

VOTE: 2-3 (FAIL)

Supervisor Anderson’s Board Letter aims to terminate taxpayer-funded deportation defense for criminal noncitizens under the Immigrant Rights Legal Defense Program (IRLDP). His proposal recommends suspending assistance to individuals with disqualifying criminal records and amending the IRLDP to exclude such participants.  

Ensuring Divestment of County Funds in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Dec 05, 2023

VOTE: 4-1 (PASS)

Supervisor Anderson’s Board letter calls on the County’s major investment agencies to ensure compliance with laws and sanctions restricting investments with the Islamic Republic of Iran or companies doing business with them. Specific recommendations include requesting reports from investment bodies, ensuring ongoing compliance, and amending investment strategies to prohibit unlawful investments.

Prioritizing Assistance for Military and Veterans' Families Seeking to Relocate to the United States

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Nov 07, 2023

VOTE: 4-0 (PASS)

Supervisor Anderson asked the Board to approve his proposal to  establisha pilot program, facilitated by the County Office of Military and Veterans Affairs, to prioritize support for the Military Parole in Place (MIL-PIP) program. This initiative aims to assist military members and veterans in reuniting with their family members seeking relocation to the United States, reaffirming the County's commitment to honoring their service. Supervisor Anderson’s proposal included  focusing on outreach and education to facilitate the utilization of the MIL-PIP program by qualified individuals.  

Requesting that the President order the Flying of the United States Flag at Half-staff to Honor the American Lives Lost in the October 7, 2023, Terrorist Attack on Israel

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Oct 24, 2023

VOTE: 4-0 (PASS)

Supervisor Anderson asked the Board to support a request to the President to order  the flying of the United States flag at half-staff to honor the 32 American lives lost during the October 7, 2023, terrorist attack on Israel. The purpose of the request was  to express solidarity with the victims' families and to demonstrate national unity byconveying the nation's collective grief and empathy for those affected by this tragic event.

Supporting Proposition 13 to Keep Residents in their Homes

Supervisor Joel Anderson & Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk Jordan Z. Marks
Letter Date
Oct 24, 2023

VOTE: 2-0 (FAIL)

Supervisor Anderson and Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk Jordan Marks recommend adopting an official position supporting continued homeowner protections under Proposition 13. Their recommendations include endorsing current Proposition 13 provisions and supporting legislation that upholds its principles to maintain equity in homeownership and prevent homeowner displacement.

Establishing an Unsafe Camping Ordinance in San Diego County

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Oct 24, 2023

VOTE: 4-0 (PASS)

Supervisor Anderson proposedthe establishment of an Unsafe Camping Ordinance in San Diego County to address homelessness and public safety concerns. The proposal aligns with recent legal developments and actions taken by neighboring cities to regulate camping on public property and aims to prohibit illegal encampments, remove improperly stored property, and protect public spaces from fire and pollution. His recommendations also include supporting legal action to overturn the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals' ruling and directed County staff to identify potential shelter solutions. 

Opposition to Per Mile Traveled Road User Charges

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Oct 10, 2023

VOTE: 3-0 (PASS)

The Board approved Supervisor Anderson’s recommendation for the County to oppose the inclusion of per vehicle mile traveled Road User Charges in SANDAG's 2025 Regional Plan and any future Regional Plan. His proposal included communicating this opposition to SANDAG and actively opposing similar legislation at the State level. 

Ending Taxpayer Funded Deportation Defense for Criminal Noncitizens

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Oct 10, 2023

ACTION: A motion was made by Supervisor Anderson to approve the recommendations. The motion failed due to the lack of a second. 

Supervisor Anderson recommended ending taxpayer-funded deportation defense for noncitizens with serious criminal convictions, including drug trafficking, money laundering, and aggravated felonies. 

Assessing the Regional Capacity and Need for Board and Care and Subacute Services to Support Medi-Cal Eligible Adults with Behavioral Health Conditions

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Sep 12, 2023

VOTE: 4-0 (PASS)

The Board approved Supervisor Anderson’s proposal to assess the regional capacity and need for board and care services to support Medi-Cal eligible adults with behavioral health conditions. 

Developing a Pilot Shared Housing Program to Prevent Homelessness Among Older Adults

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Aug 29, 2023

VOTE: 4-0 (PASS)

The Board approved Supervisor Anderson’s recommendation to develop a regional shared housing program for adults aged 55 and over, aiming to provide affordable housing options and prevent homelessness for this vulnerable population. 

Support for Legislation to Provide all Ratepayers a Vote on Water District Detachments and Impacts to Their Water Rates

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Aug 29, 2023

VOTE: 4-0 (PASS)

The Board approved Supervisor Anderson’s recommendations to support State legislation requiring an affirmative vote for all County ratepayers before a water district detachment from the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) can occur. The purpose of this action is to ensure equitable representation for ratepayers and to maintain financial stability for crucial water infrastructure improvements. 

Four Honorary Bridge Namings

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Jul 19, 2023

VOTE: 4-0 (PASS)

The Board approved community requests to name four honorary bridges in District 2 to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to their communities. The proposed naming’s include the Isola Hook Memorial Bridge, Charles S. Judson Memorial Bridge, Bert Vaughn Memorial Bridge, and Patricia Fauble Memorial Bridge. The Board also approved the funding  to install the necessary signage at each bridge location.

Community Enhancement Program Grants, CEQA Exemptions and Closeout for Fiscal Year 2022-23

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Jun 27, 2023


The Board approved Supervisor Anderson’s recommendations to allocate Community Enhancement funds to various organizations in District 2. These allocations include supporting educational programs, arts initiatives for individuals with disabilities, ecological education, and therapeutic horsemanship opportunities. The proposed actions align with the county's strategic plan, fostering sustainability, community engagement, and equity initiatives to enhance the quality of life for residents in San Diego County.

Enhancing the Efficiency of the Neighborhood Reinvestment Program (NRP) and Community Enhancement Program (CEP) Grant Approval Process

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Jun 13, 2023


The Board approved action to streamline the County grant approval process and introduce new requirements for the Community Enhancement and Neighborhood Reinvestment Program grants to be listed on the County's website on a quarterly basis. Both NRP and CE grants will still undergo necessary reviews and approvals by County staff, but it will be done through a more efficient process. The implementation of this new process will improve transparency and enable the County to expedite important funds to our partner organizations more quickly and efficiently. These funds will support initiatives that benefit our neighborhoods and communities.

Supporting Our Foster Care Youth

Supervisors Jim Desmond and Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Jun 13, 2023


By approving this action, the Board adopted a position of support for Assembly Bill 1512 (Bryan), legislation to require all California counties to screen foster youth for potential eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits within 60 days of a child’s entry into foster care. Additionally, it would require counties to notify youth recipients and their attorneys when SSI benefits are applied for and received, and ensure that the benefits foster youth receive are not used to cover the cost of the child’s care. 

Adopting a Resolution Supporting the Addition of Unincorporated Area Representation to the San Diego Association of Governments Board of Directors

Supervisor Joel Anderson & Chair Nora Vargas
Letter Date
May 23, 2023

This Board letter, co-authored by Supervisor Anderson and Chair Vargas, recommends the adoption of a resolution supporting the addition of a resident of San Diego County’s unincorporated area as an advisory member to the SANDAG Board of Directors. The proposed advisory Board member would serve as a dedicated representative for unincorporated communities and the County’s half-a-million unincorporated area residents. It also directs County staff to assist the community planning groups in selecting the unincorporated area advisory SANDAG Board member.

Enhancing Homeless Outreach and Services Through Live Well on Wheels Mobile Offices

Supervisor Joel Anderson & Vice Chair Lawson-Remer
Letter Date
Apr 04, 2023

This Board letter directs County staff to invest in a Live Well on Wheels (LiveWoW) vehicle dedicated to homeless outreach services. This forty-foot bus, which deploys a wide array of County health and community services, will be maintained as part of the County’s existing fleet of mobile service delivery vehicles that serve thousands of residents. This action also directs staff to consult with regional partners and people with lived experiences when developing the vehicle design and service menu.

Increasing Recreational Opportunities at Regional Reservoirs

Supervisor Joel Anderson & Chair Nora Vargas
Letter Date
Mar 15, 2023

This Board letter authorizes County staff to work with the City, Sweetwater Authority, and other regional agencies and community partners to seek funding or identify County resources necessary to support enhanced recreational opportunities and increased access to San Diego reservoirs.

Acceptance of State Funding for San Ysidro Health Rural Mobile

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Mar 14, 2023

This Board letter directs County staff to accept and distribute to San Ysidro Health funding that was included in the State budget to pay for a mobile medical clinic. The mobile clinic will increase access to healthcare for back country residents.

Reducing Hospital Readmission Rates Through a Rural Health Post-Discharge Pilot Program

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Mar 14, 2023

This Board letter directs County staff to work with the Grossmont Healthcare District to initiate a rural health pilot program partnering a firefighter/paramedic with a registered public health nurse to conduct post-discharge follow-up home visits for rural patients. The goal of this program is to reduce hospital readmissions and promote equal access to health services throughout the rural areas of East County, disproportionately impacted by health vulnerabilities.

Identifying Additional Shelter Solutions to Address Homelessness in East County

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Feb 28, 2023

To increase homeless shelter capacity in East County, this Board letter directs County staff to conduct a feasibility analysis to determine the potential to site a facility, or convert an existing hotel into a County-owned facility that accepts Regional Housing Assistance Program (RHAP) vouchers from customers. It also directs County staff to issue a Request for Information to gauge the interest of developers and potential hotel/program operators. 

Enhance Preparation for the Arrival of Migrants and the Lifting of Title 42 Restrictions

Supervisor Joel Anderson & Chair Nora Vargas
Letter Date
Feb 07, 2023

The Board recognizes the anticipated influx in the number of asylum seekers entering the U.S. once the federal government lifts the current Title 42 restrictions currently limiting border crossings. This Board letter directs County staff to identify short-term actions we can take to prevent the asylum seekers released on the street by federal authorities from exacerbating the regional homeless crisis. Staff is also directed to develop a Comprehensive Preparedness Plan, work with partner organizations to seek federal resources, and urge Congress to prioritize comprehensive immigration reform during the current legislative session.    

A Comprehensive Approach to the Opioid Crisis and Adoption of the San Diego County Opioid Settlement Framework

Supervisor Joel Anderson & Chair Nathan Fletcher
Letter Date
Oct 25, 2022

VOTE: 5-0 (PASS)
This board letter proposes an "Opioid Settlement Framework" that presents evidence-based strategies to spend the County's expected opioid settlement funds, advancing solutions in the sectors of healthcare integration, harm reduction, and social supports and services. 

Building Partnerships to Prevent, Address, and Seek an End to Homelessness

Supervisor Joel Anderson & Vice Chair Nora Vargas
Letter Date
Oct 11, 2022

This board letter recommends a County purchase of sleeping cabins or sprung shelters to be used by partner organizations to shelter the region's homeless population. It also encourages private companies to bring their own innovative solutions forward and work with the County in a public/private partnership to address homelessness.

Increasing the Region's Workforce Housing Opportunities

Supervisor Joel Anderson & Vice Chair Nora Vargas
Letter Date
Sep 27, 2022

The lack of middle-class housing affordability in San Diego County has pushed some of our local workforce to live in areas distant from their jobs. This board letter recommends several actions to help increase the production of middle-class housing in our region through the creation of a pilot workforce housing program.

Prioritizing Our Veterans: Establishing A Center for Military and Veteran Reintegration in East County

Supervisor Joel Anderson & Chair Nathan Fletcher
Letter Date
Sep 27, 2022

San Diego County has the largest concentration of military personnel in the world, with East County being home to the largest number of military veterans in the region. This board letter seeks to bring a veterans resource center to East County and evaluate current gaps in services and expand services at existing County Military and Veterans Resource Centers (MVRCs). In addition, this board letter seeks to investigate ways to increase collaboration and streamline the efforts of government agencies and other private and public organizations that exist to serve veterans.

Establishing an Agricultural and Livestock Pass Program in the County of San Diego

Supervisors Anderson & Desmond
Letter Date
Aug 30, 2022

The Board unanimously passed the Chief Administrative Officer's plan to establish an "Ag Pass" program at the recommendation of Supervisor Anderson and Supervisor Desmond. Agricultural passes ("Ag Pass") allow vetted ranchers and farmers limited access to their property, when deemed safe, during a wildfire or other emergencies to care for their livestock or crops. Physical Ag Pass cards will be granted to eligible owners so they may be easily identified by emergency personnel during such emergencies. Upon passing this board letter, the Board voted to establish an Ag Pass program for the unincorporated area of San Diego County, and full implementation of the program is planned for the Fiscal Year 2023-24.

Resolution Renaming the Boys and Girls Club in 4S Ranch to the Mollenkopf Family Branch

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Aug 30, 2022

This board letter was introduced to acknowledge the generosity of the Mollenkopf Family’s donation to the Boys & Girls Club - 4S Ranch Branch, to provide scholarship programs for children throughout the County, and to obtain Board approval to officially rename this facility the Boys & Girls Club - Mollenkopf Family Branch.

Cannabis Program Enhancement Measures: Increasing Safety, Education, and Equity within the Unincorporated Communities

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Jun 15, 2022

In this board letter, Supervisor Anderson requests sixteen measures be included within the County's Cannabis Permitting Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Socially Equitable Cannabis Program that will enhance the safety of our residents, improve the character and vibrancy of our communities, and develop a youth cannabis prevention curriculum.

Expanding Access to Affordable Broadband Internet Service to Low-Income and Tribal Customers

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Letter Date
Jun 15, 2022

Supervisor Anderson authored this board letter directing County staff to inform San Diego residents how to obtain discounted broadband internet service through the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). Twenty internet providers agreed to participate in the ACP which expands high-speed internet access to unserved and underserved residents by providing internet service subsidies to low-income customers and those living on tribal lands. This action builds on previous County action to close the digital divide, including County funding to support and partner with SANDAG and 211 San Diego on the "Get Connected" campaign and funding to assist SANDAG and Caltrans provide fiber to rural communities through their microtrenching initiative.

Supporting All Housing and Service Providers for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Supervisor Anderson & Chair Nathan Fletcher
Letter Date
Jun 14, 2022

With inflation at a 40-year high, the budgets of housing and service providers for the 360,000+ people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) in California, who require special services and care at great expense, have been strained. This board letters details four recommmendations to remove funding barriers to provide more community housing options to more people with I/DD that align with the County's efforts to advance equity and end homelessness.

A Golden Opportunity to Better Serve Older Adults by Integrating County of San Diego Services into Senior Centers

Supervisors Anderson & Desmond
Letter Date
May 24, 2022

Senior centers are uniquley positioned to integrate County of San Diego services with their existing operations, creating a one-stop shop for older adults. The passing of this board letter established a pilot programs with the City of Escondido's Park Avenue Community Center (PACC) and the Jewish Family Service's College Avenue Center at Temple Emanu-El to utilize existing County resources and provide in-person services.

Promoting Government Transparency: Improving Access to Information, Language Services, Remote Technology, and Community Engagement

Supervisor Anderson & Vice Chair Vargas
Letter Date
May 10, 2022

All communities are entitled to a transparent and accountable government. Community members deserve easy access to accurate information and to provide their input to the County. This board letter articulates the recommendations of the Board's Transparency Committee, recommending that the County conduct an assessment of community engagement and identify opportunities for improved collaboration with the public.

Repeal of Regulatory Code Provisions Related to Amusement Devices and Establishments

Supervisor Anderson & Vice Chair Vargas
Letter Date
Apr 26, 2022

A small business owner contacted Supervisor Anderson’s office when he realized that San Diego City and San Diego County amusement device ordinances differed in their restrictions, limiting the ability of small businesses in unincorporated County areas to operate in the same manner as small businesses in the City. To correct this, Supervisor Anderson and Vice Chair Vargas introduced a board letter that advocated for repealing the outdated County regulatory code provisions relating to amusement devices, like arcade games. This repeal will now allow all small businesses to expand their customer base and workforce, reduce an unnecessary regulatory burden, and grant the same business opportunities to unincorporated areas that are available to those in incorporated areas.

Request for Temporary Suspension of State Gas Tax

Supervisors Anderson & Desmond
Letter Date
Mar 15, 2022

The Board directed the Chief Administrative Officer to draft a letter to the Governor and San Diego County's State legislative delegation requesting a temporary one-year suspension of the State of California's gas tax and requesting to back fill the funds using the State's budget surplus.

Addressing Homelessness Among Older Adults

Supervisors Anderson & Lawson-Remer
Letter Date
Feb 08, 2022

As the cost of housing continues to soar, many older Californians living on low and fixed incomes are being forced to choose between paying rent, eating, or buying medications. To combat this, Supervisors Anderson & Lawson-Remer proposed creating a pilot shallow rent subsidy program for older adults who are rent-burdened and at risk of experiencing homelessness.

Addressing Anticipated Shortages of Public Safety Officers in the San Diego Region

Supervisors Anderson & Supervisor Desmond
Letter Date
Jan 25, 2022

VOTE: 5-0 (PASS)
Regional law enforcement agencies, including the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department and the City of San Diego Police Department, are expected to face a shortage of sworn officers necessary to protect life and property in the next few years. Vaccine mandates at the City of San Diego could result in up to 160 officers being fired this year. This board letter directs the County to prepare for and appropriately address anticipated shortages in public safety personnel to keep our communities safe.

Update on Transparency Advisory Committee Recommendations for Ensuring Transparency and Open Government

Supervisor Anderson & Vice Chair Vargas
Letter Date
Dec 07, 2021

On January 12, 2021, the Board of Supervisors established an advisory committee to develop recommendations to enhance transparency, accessibility, and open government within the County of San Diego's operations, public engagement processes, and website offerings. This board letter directs the Chief Administrative Officer to continue supporting the Transparency Committee by investigating actions that can be taken to create greater transparency and ease of access to County information

Pursuing Partnerships to Increase Recreational Access to Reservoirs

Supervisor Anderson
Letter Date
Nov 17, 2021

This board letter directed the County of San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation to work with various agencies and stakeholders to determine the feasibility and costs associated with providing additional support to increase access to reservoirs for recreational activities.

Verifying Compliance and Enhancing Communications During the Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) Placement Process

Supervisor Anderson and Supervisor Desmond
Letter Date
Oct 19, 2021

VOTE: 4-0 (PASS)
Although the County role regarding the placement of conditionally released Sexually Violent Predators (SVPs) is limited, this item directs County departments to proactively review and verify that the Department of State Hospitals and its Conditional Release Program contractor comply with all applicable state and local laws, regulations and other legal requirements when searching for and securing housing for SVPs. This item also directs the Chief Administrative Officer to develop, implement and report back on a communications strategy to maximize transparency, notification and public input on the proposed placement of SVPs. 

Compassionate Emergency Solutions and Pathways for People Experiencing Homelessness in East County

Supervisor Anderson
Letter Date
Oct 19, 2021

Votes: 5-0 (PASS)
Homelessness has been an ongoing crisis for East County communities. This item directs the Office of Homeless Solutions to identifying appropriate locations and concepts for emergency shelters, safe parking, and services to address individuals’ and the communities’ needs. It also stipulates flexible funding to support outreach workers in their efforts and includes direction for staff to implement a plan that improves data management and coordination of homeless referrals and needs.  

Funding Afghan Refugee Resettlement Costs from Frozen Afghanistan Government Assets and Developing a Comprehensive County Response Plan

Supervisor Anderson
Letter Date
Oct 05, 2021


This item directs the County’s Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs to work with Refugee Resettlement Agencies and other key stakeholders to coordinate a response plan for the anticipated influx of Afghanistan refugees into the County and seeks to obtain frozen Afghanistan government assets to cover State and County costs related to resettlement activities. 

Authorizing Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations in San Diego County

Supervisor Anderson & Vice Chair Vargas
Letter Date
Sep 15, 2021

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to approve a board letter put forth by Supervisor Joel Anderson and Vice Chair Nora Vargas. This is the first step which will begin the process of establishing “MEHKOs”, or microenterprise home kitchen operations, in San Diego County. County staff will return to the Board of Supervisors in 120 days with a recommended ordinance for adoption. During this 120 day period, County staff will be soliciting public input to help shape the ordinance.

Initiation of Dissolution of CSA No. 69 and Transfer of Funding and Admin Oversight for Ambulance Services to the City of Santee and Lakeside Fire Protection District as Successor Agencies

Supervisor Anderson
Letter Date
Aug 31, 2021


Approval of this item directs County staff to continue the efforts to transfer funding and administrative oversight responsibilities for County Service Area No. 69 (CSA 69) to the City of Santee and the Lakeside Fire Protection District. The resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors authorizes staff to request that the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) begin the process of dissolving CSA 69 and reorganizing its governing structure.  

Enhancing Enforcement of Illegal Marijuana Dispensaries and Simplifying the Receivership Process

Supervisor Anderson
Letter Date
Aug 17, 2021


Currently, the sheriff, the District Attorney, and the County Counsel are somewhat constrained in use of all methods for closing down illegal marijuana dispensaries. This board letter will allow the sheriff to seize property used in these illegal pot shops through a “receivership” process overseen by the County Counsel.

Bridging the Rural Digital Divide: SR-67 Microtrenching and Fiber Deployment

Supervisor Anderson & Supervisor Lawson-Remer
Letter Date
May 05, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has both highlighted and exacerbated the digital divide between served and underserved communities and exposed the service deficiencies in much of the rural back country. This inequitable distribution of broadband access is a significant and growing social and economic issue. This board letter directs County staff to commit $1.4 million to allow for the installation of new fiber conduits through a microtrenching project to enhance broadband service along the Stat Route 67 corridor. An additional 18 miles of fiber conduit will be installed during the rehabilitation of State Route 67 to increase broadband connectivity for rural communities such as Ramona and Lakeside and tribal nations, including Barona, Mesa Grande and Santa Ysabel.

Advocating for Rental Assistance Flexibility and the Creation of a Shallow (Short-Term) Rent Subsidy Program

Supervisor Anderson
Letter Date
May 04, 2021


The State of California put additional restrictions on the federal government's emergency rental assistance funds distributed to the County of San Diego and other counties throughout the State. This board letter asks for more flexibility in disbursing the rental assistance money and giving landlords 100% of what they were owed instead of 80% of back-rent and 25% of prospective rent. This letter also asks the Board to carve out a portion of American Rescue Package funds in creation of a shallow rent subsidy program for those who are living in hotels or couch surfing, who don’t qualify for rental assistance. 

Notification and Procedures for the Placement and Residency of Sexually Violent Predators and Registered Sex Offenders

Supervisor Anderson
Letter Date
May 04, 2021


The housing of sex offenders in San Diego County continues to be a major concern for the region’s families, community leaders and the elected officials representing them. The current processes used by various state and local entities involved in the notification and placement of sex offenders is complex and often unclear to the public. This board letter directs County staff to conduct a review of the current process and procedures used to notify the public about the placement and residency of Sexually Violent Predators and Registered Sex Offenders and to provide any suggestions to improve the process.    

Expanding The Innovative Housing Trust Fund

Supervisor Anderson
Letter Date
Apr 06, 2021


As SANDAG’s Regional Housing Needs Assessment and many other reports indicate, there is a housing shortage in San Diego County, particularly for affordable housing units. In 2019, the Board of Supervisors created an Innovative Housing Trust Fund to incentive developers to build units at an affordable housing rate. This board letter is an initiative to expand this Innovative Housing Trust Fund by 25 million dollars that was unanimously referred to the County’s budget for fiscal year 2021/2022. 

Preventing County Fee Increases and Extending Fee Deferrals During The Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic

Supervisor Anderson
Letter Date
Apr 06, 2021


The County took several actions to provide relief to small businesses adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including the deferral of various fees to County departments. In addition, the Board of Supervisors directed County departments to postpone planned fee increases during the pandemic, and to cover budget shortfalls using reserves and other funding sources. This board letter directs County staff to consider using federal stimulus funds - instead of imposing fee increases on the business community - to cover Fiscal Year 2021-22 budget shortfalls for several County departments. It also directs staff to extend the option for businesses to defer until September 30, 2021, the payment of fees for the deferral programs that expired on March 31, 2021.    

Crafting A Fair Policy For San Diego Beer Manufacturers

Supervisor Anderson & Vice-Chair Vargas
Letter Date
Mar 16, 2021

San Diego is home to over 150 independent craft breweries and serves as the birthplace for a number of the industry’s most respected brands. Craft beer manufacturers contribute over $1.2 billion annually to the local economy and are responsible for nearly $5 million in philanthropic donations. This board letter directed County staff to advocate on behalf of the craft beer industry to eliminate a state requirement that beer manufacturers offer patrons sit-down dining as a condition of serving customers on-site during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Enhancing Wildfire Safety on County Roads (With Supervisor Desmond)

Supervisor Anderson & Supervisor Desmond
Letter Date
Mar 16, 2021


More than half of the County’s unincorporated communities are located within high or very high fire severity zones. Fire safety, including the ability to evacuate, is of utmost importance to the residents living in rural areas. This board letter directs County staff to identify public roads where an additional ten feet of vegetation clearance should occur and to develop an implementation plan for that vegetation clearing.  

El Monte River Valley - Approve Restoration and Facilities Improvements for Approximately 98 Acres of Land in Lakeside

Supervisor Anderson & Chair Fletcher
Letter Date
Mar 03, 2021


On February 10, 2021, the San Diego Board of Supervisors approved the acquisition of approximately 98 acres from the Helix Water District. This board letter was brought to the County Board of Supervisors on March 3, 2021. It authorized additional project costs for the El Monte River Valley Property toward clearing debris and vegetation, and making improvements to a little league sports complex.

Support For Senate Bill 248 - Open Court Proceedings for Sexually Violent Predators (With District Attorney Summer Stephan)

Supervisor Anderson & District Attorney Summer Stephan
Letter Date
Mar 02, 2021


In 2020, the Board of Supervisors considered adopting a position on Senate Bill (SB) 1023 (Bates), legislation that would have required most proceedings for the civil commitment of a sexually violent predator (SVP) to be conducted in open court. Because of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting shift in bill prioritization by the State Legislature action on this legislation was suspended last year. The author of this bill introduced similar legislation, SB 248, that would also require most proceedings for the civil commitment of an SVP to be conducted in open court. In addition, SB 248 would close a loophole by ensuring SVPs return to a state hospital to continue serving their original sentence after prison terms for new crimes have been completed. This board letter requests the Board to write a letter in support of this Senate Bill. 

Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) - Addressing Gaps and Improving Coordination (With Supervisor Desmond)

Supervisor Anderson & Supervisor Desmond
Letter Date
Mar 02, 2021


Beginning in 2013, the region’s utility provider, San Diego Gas & Electric, began using Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) during adverse weather events. To lessen the impacts of PSPS events, and maintain safety, it is critical for the County to collaborate with SDG&E and other partners to develop protocols and resources to address and minimize impacts caused by the power shutoffs. This board letter directs County staff to identify gaps in PSPS mitigations and opportunities to further reduce the impact on the region. It also directs staff to consult with stakeholders and state representatives to pursue funding from public and private sources to address the identified gaps.  

California State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Grant Program Application

Supervisor Anderson
Letter Date
Feb 10, 2021


Although there are over 118,735 off-highway motor vehicles registered in San Diego County, the County has never submitted a grant application to the State’s Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division seeking funding to investigate the feasibility of siting an OHV park in San Diego County. This board letter directs staff to submit an application to the California Department of Parks and Recreation Off-highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division’s 2021 Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program. If awarded funds, the County will use them for planning activities to identify and establish an off-highway motor vehicle park in the County of San Diego.

Expanding the County's COVID-19 Small Business Recovery Plan and Employee Sick Leave Policy

Supervisor Anderson & Supervisor Lawson-Remer
Letter Date
Feb 09, 2021


The COVID-19 pandemic devastated many businesses throughout the San Diego region. In 2020, the County Board of Supervisors approved $47.5 million to launch the Small Business Stimulus Grant Program. The County was able to fund 7,668 out of the 8,834 applications received. This board letter committed a minimum of an additional $30 million to fund a third round of the Small Business Stimulus Grant Program to assist businesses and established a temporary COVID-19 Paid Family Sick Leave Policy for County employees. 

Immediate Vaccination of Law Enforcement Personnel

Supervisor Anderson
Letter Date
Feb 09, 2021


Although law enforcement personnel often encounter a significant number of individuals while responding to calls, they were included in a lower tier than other emergency personnel and those who respond to emergency incidents in the COVID-19 vaccination efforts. This board letter asks the Board of Supervisors to prioritize the vaccination of law enforcement personnel by supporting their immediate vaccination eligibility through the inclusion of law enforcement in Tier 1A of the County’s vaccination plan.

Framework for our Future: Ensuring Transparency and Open Government in San Diego County

Supervisor Anderson & Chair Fletcher
Letter Date
Jan 12, 2021

Although the County has undertaken reforms in the past to facilitate greater transparency, more can be done to reflect on current policies and recommend changes that allow for greater transparency, including access to public records, documents and meetings in recognition that public participation and access to information is foundational to our democracy. This board letter creates a Board of Supervisors committee to work with County staff, the public, key stakeholder groups and members of the media to identify recommended changes to enhance transparency, accessibility and open government.