By 3-2 Vote, Suprvisors Approve Plan to Identify Infill Areas in Unincorporated Areas Where New Homes Would be Exempt from Vehicle Mileage Tax
Excerpt from the East County Magazine
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While Anderson agreed with the goal of making it easier to build homes, he called the county’s estimates of homes the plan would allow “disingenuous.” He cited as an example two properties in Spring Valley—one a vacant lot, the other with a house on it, meaning the house would have to be destroyed to build up to 15 units, as the new pan would allow. He said there is “no incentive” for a property owner to do so. He suggested the state is effectively "shutting down" the county from homebuilding and suggested the board should "just be honest and tell people there's no hope for you to have housing" in the region.
Anderson asked for a breakdown of how many lots included in the proposal already had homes on them. “This isn’t real…There’s no incentive for this density,” he said, opining that “it was easier 60 years ago going to the moon” than building homes in San Diego today due to various restrictions and fears of litigation.
Anderson said the situation, “sickens me,” noting that he ran on a platform of making it easier to build homes and prevent the next generation from having to move outside the region. “Everyone on this board wants a path forward so we can have generational wealth for minorities,” he said, but added that won’t happen by “talking and never building.”